Reading Time: 5 minutes An increasing number of enterprises are exploring the adoption of VoIP Phone Number and its… Continue reading VoIP Phone Number FAQ

Reading Time: 5 minutes Call Routing is an essential business calling feature. When a customer calls a company’s support… Continue reading What Is Call Routing & How Does It Work?
Reading Time: 5 minutes The introduction of Toll-free numbers has changed business operations and marketing strategies to a great… Continue reading What do you mean by a Toll-Free Number? What are its Benefits?
Reading Time: 4 minutes Automatic Call distribution (ACD) is a VoIP feature that serves the purpose of routing customer… Continue reading What is ACD (automatic call distribution)?
Reading Time: 10 minutes It is possible to make phone calls using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), a well-established… Continue reading VoIP: What Is It and Why Should You Care?