Roles and Authentications

Increase the level of security and control whenever you manage more users.

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Cloud Phone Services

Roles provide flexibility to react

To meet your brand-new requirements, it is now simple and easy to eliminate, add, or update existing roles.

Custom Roles

You may design distinctive roles for every business need, from corporate positions to specialized regions. Give special access rights, such as access to the phone's settings, but exclude additional apps. Put more permissions in until you reach the required cap.

Access Permissions

Access permissions can permit or disallow a user from using a feature or program. If the role does not have access to a feature, the feature will not be shown to the user. Users are not allowed to download data without authorization.

Take Control of your phone system

Access to your user base doesn't have to be challenging or time-consuming if you want to keep the permission protocols for your team as you grow your firm. The permissions given to each position govern the extent of each user's access to the phone system.

Cloud Phone Feature

Enhanced Management through Roles

When a user is added to the system, you can manually grant the same permission set to them periodically by using roles.

Incorporate More Security

You may now have even more precise control over how users can use Vitel Global features by using custom roles, which offer limitless permission combinations.

Cloud Telephony

Benefits of Role and Authentication

  • Security

    Administrators of VoIP systems can lower the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches by limiting user access to critical data and functionality by granting them roles and permissions.

  • Vitel Global Communications complies with legal mandates like GDPR and HIPAA to impose stringent controls on who has access to sensitive information.

  • Roles and permissions make it simpler to add or delete users, modify permissions, and troubleshoot difficulties by giving VoIP administrators easy access to user accounts and access permissions.

  • Roles and permissions can improve user productivity by restricting access to the features and resources they require.

  • Authentications can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of each company, division, or team, giving you more flexibility and control over user access.